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Amplifying Your StoryBrand Message with Meta Ads

ad campaigns facebook ads instagram ads Sep 12, 2024
woman in a red blouse or top sitting and holding a book

Imagine this: Your brand message is a finely crafted story. It’s captivating, clear, and drives sales because it makes your customer the hero of the story and you the guide! 

Now you are ready to scale and are considering options. What if I told you that, with Facebook and Instagram ads, you could amplify just the right parts of that story and boost your revenue and profit, and meet your goals without breaking the bank? Spoiler alert: You absolutely can! This article will show you how to use Facebook and Instagram ads to take key elements of your StoryBrand framework and transform them into focused, effective ad campaigns that drive significant results.

What is the StoryBrand Framework?

Background on StoryBrand and Donald Miller
In 2017, Donald Miller introduced the StoryBrand framework to the world, and let's just say business owners everywhere have been sleeping a little better since. By helping brands clarify their message, StoryBrand positions the customer as the hero and the business as the trusty guide. Because, let's face it, every good hero needs a guide (where would Elle Woods be without Paula Bonafonte? Or, Luke Skywalker without Yoda?).

Why Business Owners Use the Framework
The genius of StoryBrand is that it cuts through the clutter. It allows businesses to craft a crystal-clear message that speaks directly to their customers' problems, guides them to success, and—importantly—shows them how to avoid failure. It’s like handing your audience a GPS to their dream outcome, minus the annoying "recalculating" voice.

Breaking Down the 7-Part StoryBrand Framework—and Which Facebook and/or Instagram Ad Campaign to Use to Amplify It

  1. Character

    Objective: Test different cold audiences to find where your dream customers hang out.
    Campaign Type: Video View Campaign
    Example: Run a video campaign across various audiences to see which group gives you the lowest cost for a ThruPlay (a 15 second watch time). This video does not have to be a major production- just something While this video could be a BIG HELLO to your future customers, that highlights their aspirations and explains how your brand fits into their lives, it does not have to be! It honestly could be a good quality selfie-style personal introduction filmed with an iphone. The key is to create content that you feel sure your ideal customer would be interested!
  2. Who Has a Problem

    Objective: Identify which pain points make your audience go "ouch!" the loudest.
    Campaign Type: Sprint Test your audience’s pain points with a traffic campaign
    Example: Use color blocks (literally square frames with 2 different colors layered on top of each other) to stop user’s scroll, then write the pain point in an engaging style, possibly as a True/False question, to see which “pains” encourage readers to click. The most clicks wins the test! See a more detailed explanation of this testing methodology here
  3. Then Meets a Guide

    Objective: Build awareness and position your business as the trusty guide.
    Campaign Type: Awareness Campaign
    Example: Run an ad featuring testimonials or a heartfelt message from your founder, or a combination of posts that introduce your audience to all aspects of your business! Let your audience feel like they know you before they need you. Be Yoda. Be Gandalf. Just don’t be the hero—save that for your customers. Here is a walk through of the awareness campaign we like to use.
  4. That Gives Them a Plan

    Objective: Get people engaged by showing off your proven process.
    Campaign Type: Engagement Campaign
    Example: Use an infographic or behind-the-scenes video outlining your step-by-step plan to solve their problem. It’s like handing them a cheat sheet, except, you know, more ethical.
  5. Then Calls Them to Action

    Objective: Push your audience to take immediate action.
    Campaign Type: Conversion or Traffic Campaign
    Example: Run strong CTA ads that make the next steps easy to follow. Whether it’s scheduling a call or making a purchase, clear directions lead to conversions. Just don’t forget to ask nicely. No one likes an aggressive pop-up.
  6. That Results in Success

    Objective: Highlight the transformation your customers experience with your product or service.
    Campaign Type: Webinar Registration or Lead Generation Campaign
    Example: Share success stories or customer testimonials and invite prospects to a webinar. You’re not just selling a product here; you’re selling a journey from "before" to "after," and trust me—everyone loves a good makeover.
  7. And Avoids Failure

    Objective: Use humor or FOMO to nudge those final holdouts.
    Campaign Type: Direct-to-Sale Campaign
    Example: Create a fun, lighthearted ad showing what happens when people don’t take action. Maybe it’s a cheeky "What if" scenario, or maybe you lean into FOMO, reminding people of what they stand to lose if they wait too long.

You Don’t Need to Amplify Every Part of Your StoryBrand Message—Here’s Why

Strategic Amplification for Revenue Growth
When it comes to Facebook and Instagram ads, you don’t need to hit your audience over the head with every single part of your story. Focusing on just one or two key areas can be enough to move the needle in a big way. Think of it as making a point without overselling the joke—subtlety can pack a punch.

Cost-Effective Advertising
Running an awareness campaign to introduce your guide or highlight the problem your audience faces can be incredibly cost-effective. You don’t need a massive budget to get your story out there, just a well-placed ad that speaks to the right part of your framework.

How to Select Which Part of Your StoryBrand Message to Amplify First

Where Are You in Your Customer Journey?
If you’re just starting to build an audience, focus on awareness campaigns. Showcase the problem you solve or introduce your guide (that's you). People need to know who you are before they can trust you, after all.

What’s Your Current Challenge?
Are leads slow? Go for a Call to Action campaign. Struggling with brand awareness? Introduce your Character or Problem with a wider cold audience. The key is to address your biggest roadblock first. After all, why wait to patch the boat when the leak is already there?

You Can’t Know Until You Test
Testing is key. You won’t know which part of your framework works best until you give it a go. But once you do, you’ll have the data to back up your next move. Consider it a low-stakes game of "choose your own adventure"—but with revenue growth on the line.

Budget Considerations

Let’s talk money. Different Meta ad objectives come with different costs. Here’s how they break down:

  • Video View or Awareness Campaigns (Cheapest): Reach a broad audience to introduce your Character or Guide.
  • Engagement Campaigns: A little pricier, but great for building excitement around your Plan.
  • Lead Generation Campaigns: Mid-range cost and great for highlighting a Problem.
  • Conversion Campaigns that leadWebinar Reg
  • Conversion or DCampaigns (Most Expensive): These cost more, but they push for specific actions. Use these when you’re ready for your Call to Action.

Start small, test, and scale once you know what works. It’s like dating your audience before proposing—you wouldn’t go straight to the expensive stuff, right?


Meta ads are a powerful tool for amplifying key parts of your StoryBrand message. The trick is knowing where to start, what to focus on, and how to scale. Whether you’re just beginning to build awareness or driving conversions, remember: subtle, strategic amplification can lead to big returns. So, take a deep breath, start with one part of your story, and let Meta ads do the rest.

After all, who doesn’t love a good story—especially when it comes with a happy (and profitable) ending?

Meredith Kallaher helps small business owners Expand Their Reach and Explode Their Sales with

Facebook and Instagram Advertising Strategy and Management.

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